From the shower, down the drainpipe, to the backyard, into space ; the germ searches for a safe space.
Origins "Before There Was A Before"
Based on a Gnostic creation myth, God creates the Universe under a mistaken premise, angering his creations and inciting full scale rebellion. An upside down view of creation as we in the west know it, the serpent wins and the true power turns out to be feminine.
"A Rabbit's Life" in 3 Parts
A Rabbit embarks on a strange journey to foreign lands where he meets a talking Ox, a Black Tortoise and ultimately, Death … in a coffee shop.
Cricket in "Cricket Lives"
Poor cricket just can't seem to catch a break.
Karma Cats: The Chintamani Stone
A Mixed Media Short Film in High Definition
Two intrepid adventurers are lead by a mysterious disappearing cat on an interdimensional journey through time and space. 'Sight, touch, sound, taste, smell... is that all we are?'
Nowhere Now: The Ballad of Joshua Tree
A Documentary Feature Film - PBS
Trailer for this feature length documentary of life in the desert examines our notions of success and failure.